Saturday, February 14, 2009

Advice from an Author

After having multiple readers write to me asking questions about writing, it occurred to me that people seek advice from experts. Some believe that a published author is an expert in the field of writing. In some ways, I believe this to be true. I wanted this blog to help writers in their journey of becoming published authors. I enjoy helping people and answering questions so think of this blog as a place to go to find answers to your writing questions. Ask away! :)


  1. Hi Alyisa,
    Awesome blog! Thanks for being willing to help us all out! You and are the same age, I think that's totally cool!!
    I have been working on my first novel for what feels like forever, I'm writing the second draft now, but it seems to just be stuck. How do you stay motivated? Have you ever had to just give up on a story and start something else?
    Ashley A

  2. Ha! Alysia an expert?lol. Of course you're an expert, Alysia! You're an expert at talking my ear off for hours, an expert at getting me to do things I don't want to do, and an expert at hating haters! Did I leave anything out? Probably...LOL!j/k.
    But seriously, this is a great blog idea, sweetie! I can't wait to read your answers and to frequently pop in to taunt you mercilessly. That's what friends are for.:)

  3. HI Alysia I too like your idea for your blog and will most likely visit often to see what advise you have posted. I look forward to coming back and getting to know you.

